Monday, August 31, 2015

DNA to Mutations

On Friday we were discussing the order of the vocabulary words (think back to the sticky notes activity with your group).

#1. Please explain why:

DNA -->  Mutations

#2. What word do you think would come after mutations?


  1. Mutations would be the second word because all life forms change over time. I think that the third word would be genotype because it is what makes up a human or an animal's DNA.

  2. bc DNA in mutation. i think variation would be after mutations

  3. 1. The reason why is because DNA is the smallest and mutations is the second smallest And the one that would come after that would be variation.

  4. because mutations is a dna change.
    genotype would be the third one

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. the reason why that mutation is after DNA is because mutation has something to do with DNA and its change and after mutation is traits

  6. why mutations is the second one because it almost smiler to DNA they both almost same DNA traits but the mutation slit different it has a dot on the DNA make them different

  7. Mutation is the second word because in mutation can permanently change the DNA

    The third word is going to be genotype

  8. 1.Mutation is next because its a change of dna
    2. i think genotype will be next after mutations

  9. DNA in mutation and the next one is phenotype

  10. mutation is the second word because it is what changes after you are born.

    I think the next word would be evolution

  11. Mutation is next cuz mutations is the change of the DNA. Mutation Is the change of DNA so it makes sense that it would come after DNA. 2 I say genotype

  12. The reason why it is sec0nd because 0f dna you need a regular 0ne the an little part 0f the dnA has the mutati0n 0n it.
    The next w0rd after Mutati0ns that w0rd is gen0type

  13. The Explanation to that mutation comes after DNA refers to that because mutation is not only something that destroys normal DNA rubrics, but it also is permanently there and the mutation lies within the genes or genetic code within a cell, that of course giving the organism its own deformation, sometimes its occurring inside the individual, but then it occurs on the physical identity of the host. Which is the phenotype.

  14. I think mutations will make the creature will be mcuh different. I think genotype because that's going to be based on what your going to look like.

  15. Mutation is next because its a change of dna
    i think genotype will be next after mutations

  16. DNA can have a mutation in it and after mutation its genotype
