Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Carrying Capacity

What is a carrying capacity?  Why do populations have to have a carrying capacity?


  1. its the max in an area. Not everyone can fit. Then they wont' get their food so to survive they have to move.

  2. it is the max amount of people in an area. there is cap. because there needs to be room in an area also there would not be enough resources in a place if there was more.

  3. Carrying capacity is the max of something it can hold. Population has a carrying capacity because it can only hold certain amount of people cause if it goes more then it can hold there's no more room.

  4. The Meaning Of Capacity Is The Max. Carrying Capacity IS the max in the area.

  5. Because they do or else there wouldnt be enough resources

  6. Its is an max area that not a lot of things can fit. and also they don't have a lot of food for them so a lot of them die of.

  7. The max amount you can have. Populations have a carrying capacity because their is a certain amount of space or food.

  8. It is the max an area has.They need to have a carrying capacity because it shows that they have a stability of population.

  9. Carrying capacity is maxin area where species are can get food,habitat,and water. The population of stuff.

  10. CARRYING CAPACITY is h0w many people are in a area. POpulations of a area are how many people are here.

  11. CARRYING CAPACITY is h0w many people are in a area. POpulations of a area are how many people are here.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. why population have a carrying capacity is like birds when winter hits the birds will move to a different places and the other animals that can get live there will stay there.

  14. Carrying capacity is maxin area

  15. if they dont have the right amount of food they will have to move some place where there 's more food.

  16. it is the max amount of people in an area. there is cap. because there needs to be room in an area also there would not be enough resources in a place if there was more.

  17. The max of organisms of a particular species. They have to because there will not be enough of anything.
